Thursday 18 February 2016

If the DfE Was a Car Would It Look Like This?

If the DfE was a car, what sort of car would it be?

If the DfE was a car it would go at 100 miles per hour on no petrol! Yeah right!

If the DfE was a car it would claim never to have hurt anyone even after killing 50 pedestrians. We believe in high standards!

If the DfE was a car it would allow OFSTED to inspect cars but not car factories.

If the DfE was a car it would say drivers can take a rest, whilst at the same time making them drive for 48 hours non-stop.

If the DfE was a car it would change which side of the road we drive on, but not tell anyone to begin with. It would say that the new rules will be coming soon but they will only be interim and will change again next year. They think!

If the DfE was a car, the highway code would only apply to cheap cars or those that could not get a special badge.

If the DfE was a car it would say that no-one needed a licence to drive. All the best drivers have no licences and we don't want to deprive the public of experiencing lots of unqualified drivers.

If the DfE was a car it would put all its privately created buddies in charge of the car factory.

If you were buying a car, what sort of car would you like to buy?

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